Summit Electronics offers the most extensive list of electronic components used in the chemical process industry. We offer new, used and hard to find parts as well as discontinued and obsolete parts needed to maintain essential equipment to keep your chemical business running without interruption. We offer quick turnaround times and can easily assist with parts procurement for any facet of the industry.
Converting raw materials into viable products is demanding and complicated. Chemical, petroleum, and petrochemical industries require upkeep and maintenance of their equipment that are essential in day to day operations. That’s where our experienced team of parts specialists comes in. Extreme heat and cold, vibration and a wide array of other factors contribute to the breakdown of essential equipment and machinery. You need precise electronic components to maintain your machinery and operate at full capacity. We sell components that meet the highest standards from leading manufacturers such as those you see below.
- Agitators
- Autoclaves
- Balers
- Blowers
- Boilers
- Briquetters
- Centrifuges
- Chillers
- Compressors
- Conveyors
- Cooling Towers
- Crushers
- Cyclones
- Disc Pelletizers
- Dryers – Drying Equipment
- Dust Collectors
- Evaporators
- Feeders
- Filters
- Furnaces
- Generators
- Heat Exchangers
- Homogenizers
- Incinerators
- Kettles
- Mills
- Mixers
- Motor Vehicle
- Presses
- Pumps
- Reactors
- Refrigeration Equipment
- Roll Compactors
- Screeners – Sifters
- Shredders
- Versators